Upcoming Sandstorm meetups in SF, NY, Boston, Berlin, Zurich
By Jade Wang
- 11 Jan 2016
Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, since May 2015, we’ve been organizing monthly Sandstorm meetups for community members can share their apps, works in progress, and learn from each other. Recently, Sandstorm community members have stepped up to organize local Sandstorm meetups in New York, Boston, Berlin, and Switzerland as well. Scroll to the bottom for the list of upcoming events:

To put your city on the map, drop a line to community@sandstorm.io, and I’ll get you all set up.
Upcoming Sandstorm events worldwide:
- Tue Jan 19, 2016 - Boston, USA - The Future of Sandstorm’s Powerbox UI (feat. Sandstorm core dev Drew Fisher)
- Wed Jan 20, 2016 - New York, USA - January Sandstorm NYC Meetup (feat. Sandstorm core dev Asheesh Laroia)
- Wed Jan 27, 2016 - San Francisco, USA - January Meetup with Lightning Talks
- Wed Jan 27, 2016 - Berlin, Germany - First Sandstorm group session Berlin (feat. Sandstorm core dev Asheesh Laroia, via Skype)
- Tue Feb 16, 2016 - Zurich, Switzerland - First Sandstorm Swiss Project Night